General FAQ

General information

Welcome to our FAQ page, where you'll find answers to all your questions about Shoptalk Europe 2025. Whether you're curious about tickets, event features, or general information, this section is designed to help you prepare for an unforgettable event experience.

Shoptalk Europe takes place over the course of 3 days from Monday 2nd June at 10:00 AM CEST to Wednesday 4th June at 4:00 PM CEST at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona.

The badge collection desk (at Fira Gran Via, South Access) will be open at the following times:

  • Sun 1st: 14:00 - 18:00 Pre-show - Beat the queues, collect your badge on Sunday before the show opens!
  • Mon 2nd: 09:30 - 18:30 All Attendees (exhibitors from 08:00)
  • Tues 3rd: 07:45 - 18:30 All Attendees (exhibitors from 07:45)
  • Wed 4th: 08:15 - 15:00 All Attendees (exhibitors from 08:00)

*Please note that you will need to show your Shoptalk Europe Badge and wristband upon entry.

We recommend arriving in Barcelona on Sunday afternoon for early badge pick-up (please note that badge pick-up is busiest between 9 am and 11 am on Monday, 2nd June) and leaving no earlier than Wednesday, 4th June, in the afternoon. Please be mindful of any after-show activities that you may have planned when booking your travel.    

Click here to view the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona. Shoptalk Europe is located in Hall 2 after registration and the cloakroom, which is located in South Access - Level 0 Hall Europa.  

The Shoptalk Europe experience includes conference days and party nights. Prepare for smart-casual attire. The average high temperature during June is 25 degrees Celsius, whilst the average low is 18 degrees, making June lovely and warm. Keep this in mind when preparing for our outdoor evening event, at the Shoptalk Europe Party.  

Yes, Wi-Fi will be available throughout Shoptalk Europe

At Shoptalk Europe, prepare yourself for a culinary delight! On arrival, you can expect a selection of continental breakfast items with a Spanish twist. Lunch is served daily for a minimum of 2.5 hours so that you can refuel at a time that is convenient to you. All taking place throughout the three days; you can choose from a range of cuisines as well as grab’n’go options, which can be picked up on the way to meetings or to see world-class content. Between meals, you will also have a range of snacks from our lounges and tea, coffee, & water served throughout the day.

Shoptalk Europe does not share or sell attendee contact information. We have not authorised any company to contact you. We recommend that you do not reply to or speak with any organisation claiming to sell the Shoptalk Europe attendee list and do not share your credit card information.  

There is a complimentary cloakroom available during show open times. It is located at South Access, next to Badge Pickup.   

The venue reception desks are fitted with DDA-compliant registration points for people in wheelchairs. All levels of the venue are accessible via passenger lifts, with low-reach buttons, braille, back mirrors and distress alarms. Every staircase in the BDC has handrails. All publicly accessible areas of the venue are well-lit. 

Medical and First Aid is located between Hall 2 and Hall 3 and can be located on all floorplans. Please get in touch with a member of the Shoptalk team if you need assistance.

Yes, if you wish to leave and re-enter the event, your badge and wristband will need to be shown each time. Please make sure you show security on the door to regain entry onto the show floor.



The current registration price is posted on our website here  

Tickets can be transferred any time until you print your badge onsite. To transfer your ticket, login to MyExperience here using your email address as the username and ticket confirmation number as the password and click “Transfer Ticket.” If you already printed your badge onsite, you can no longer transfer your ticket. Please note that once you have begun the Meetup process if you transfer a ticket you will lose all of your progress so far. If you would like to transfer a ticket during the Meetup process then please contact us for assistance at .

No, we do not offer any exhibit hall only or one day tickets. Tickets provide access to all aspects of Shoptalk Europe, including sessions, networking events, breakfasts, lunches, receptions, exhibits, etc. that are not private. We do not offer any exhibit hall only or partial attendance rates.  

As stated in our Terms of Attendance and Participation, tickets to Shoptalk Europe 2025 are nonrefundable. If you can no longer attend Shoptalk Europe 2025, you can transfer your ticket to a colleague by logging in to MyExperience here using your email address as the username and ticket confirmation number as the password and clicking “Transfer Ticket.”  



Meetup meetings will take place onsite during Shoptalk Europe 2025 in a dedicated area located in Hall 2 in the Exhibit Hall.

All meetings will be scheduled based on everyone’s individual availability during the following times (note that all meetings are pre-scheduled):

  • Monday, 2nd June, 2025, at 1:45 pm - 2:55pm CEST
  • Tuesday, 3rd June, 2025, at 10:45 am-11:55am and 2:55 pm- 4:05pm CEST
  • Wednesday, 4th June, 2025, at 11:55 am - 1:05pm CEST

There are a few steps to complete before your meetings start onsite:

  • Step 1: Profile Completion. Complete your profile, letting all participants know about you, your organisation and your goals.
  • Step 2: Meeting Selection & Opt-In. Review thousands of profiles and select who you want to meet with–use filters, system generated lists and searches to make it easy. Thousands of other attendees will be doing the same. Then opt-in to the meeting requests you receive.
  • Step 3: Meeting Acceptance & Scheduling. After you review and accept your meetings, we’ll send you calendar invites.

The all-important deadlines for each of these stages can be found here in our Guidelines,

Then, simply join your meetings onsite. And remember, all meetings are double opt-in, guaranteeing you'll only meet people you want to meet who also want to meet you.

Your username is the email address you registered for the event with.

Your password is your confirmation number. You can find this information in your ticket confirmation email. 

Through Meetup, you’ll participate in up to 16 meetings - limited only by your availability and mutual interest.

Every Shoptalk Europe attendee is welcome to participate in Meetup! If you register after 12th May, you will no longer be able to participate in the Meetup Program.  

Have more Meetup questions? Click here


You can see all of our content sessions on our agenda here. 

All keynote videos and track presenters' decks are shared pending permission and approval. 

All sessions are included with your event admission ticket. We recommend arriving early to secure your seat.